I must apologise for my lack of blogging these last few weeks, but time seems to be charging along at such a pace at the moment I just haven't had the time ! Now that the little men are back to school after the Easter hols I am hoping that it will slow down a bit for me to breath & have more time for the little pleasures in life, my blog being one of them.
Here are just a few of the things we have done over the last few weeks.

We went foraging for sticky buds to make our Easter Tree, which the little men decorated all by themselves !
We went foraging for sticky buds to make our Easter Tree, which the little men decorated all by themselves !
As you can see they were very proud of their work, bless !!!
Easter Egg hunting in Nanna's garden
The weather was fantastic so we made quite a few trips to the park with friends. The council have just upgraded the play area, which was looking rather old & tired, to the little people's delight.
Little man no. 1 being cheeky for the camera
Big smiles from Little man no. 2
Little man no. 1 with best buddy 'H'.
Trying out the new swing with Baby 'P'

Walks in the wood with Nanna & her dogs Bertie & Lilly. The Wood Anemones are out & Bluebells are just about to make an appearance.
The little men love the woods.
Nanna & the little men.