I love to see all the different birds that come to visit my garden. The cheeky robin, The noisy blackbirds & the various colourful tits & chaffinches. But I have to say that I have a real soft spot for my little Jenny Wren ! She is so, so tiny & so, so bold for such a little thing.
I love to watch her from my kitchen window as she jumps around & between the plant pots & climbs through the trellis work. She doesn't stay long, but visits everyday & is an absolute delight !!!

I am very happy to report that Little Man No.1 is thrilled with his new blanket & asked me if I would take a photo of it on his bed to show you all, bless him !!!
He also insisted that I take another photo with him & his blanket, how could I refuse. So here he is as pleased as punch !!

Bye For now ♥